This image, created in the Comipo 3D software (likely as part of an anonymous argument on 4chan), is a half-parodic, half-serious look at the way people translate typical anime dialogues.
So a week or two ago I saw this picture of famous American news anchor Anderson Cooper wearing a pair of robotic cat ears.
Kickstarter just keeps coming up in our otaku corner. Last time it was with Digital Manga Publishing and their Tezuka line. This time it's Production IG and famous animator Masaki Yuasa.
Masao Maruyama (former Madhouse producer, now with Mappa) is actually called honorary staff at Otakon, because he makes the trip out nearly every year. He's built up a reputation.
I wasn't going to drop by this panel, but at the end of the Q&A with Hidetaka Tenjin he told us that they'd be playing Macross Frontier footage that's never been shown to the public before.
For my buddy Carl and I, one of our ongoing missions at Otakon was to spread the good word of Japanese mahjong. It's a job we've taken upon ourselves.
The best news of my weekend came when we were already in the car driving back home. On Sunday, as the convention shuts down, a lot of people sneak out of Baltimore before the con is properly finished up with closing ceremonies around 3 PM.
When I started writing this article it was going to be about what a great idea it would be to run the upcoming Madoka movies in the States... and then it came out that this was actually going to happen.
There had been a collective awkward silence at the Satelight panel back at Otakon when the representative mentioned that the crowd cheered for Macross Frontier footage...
A while back, podcaster ( and buddy Daryl Surat talked about his trip to Sakuracon in Seattle, Washington. Present was Madhouse director Yoshiaki Kawajiri: he's responsible for Ninja Scroll
A couple of days ago, I went over to see my good buddy Carl; on business, of course. After a little small talk, we sat down and got to work.
as we've talked about in this very column, JManga is by no means the first bold, direct entry Japanese publishers have tried to make into the English-speaking market.
I often mention here that I, and all of my geek friends, are moving away from owning physical goods and towards having all of our entertainment
I'm suspicious. Forgive me for saying that straight out of the gate on a new US anime effort, but I'm suspicious. I am suspicious of Viz's new streaming anime channel, Neon Alley.
We talked about Kickstarter at this column recently with the Tentacle Bento story. The website is in the business of helping all sorts of commercial projects get direct funding
Let's follow up on the Neon Alley news. A live channel, in this day and age of DVRs and on-demand TV and the Internet?
I don't know how it is in Japan, but here in the States, the whole idea of packaged video appears on the way out.
My friends and I often say to each other that it's a wonderful thing we weren't born ten years later, in the age of Youtube, because kids like us would have shared a million awful videos